These links can add turn by turn directions
from a well known location, along with a map, to your web page. The map
is capable of providing turn by turn directions from any location in the
continental USA to your dance location.
To add a link to these directions to your web page:
1. Select and copy the name of your
location from the list below.
2. Past the location into your web page in whatever HTML editor your

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Top of the Page
ABC Building - Sedalia, Missouri
ABC Building -
Warrensburg, Missouri
Abdullah Shrine Temple
- Mission, Kansas
Academy - Arcadia, Missouri
Adams County Fairgrounds
Hastings, Nebraska
Alford Branch Library -
Wichita, Kansas
All Souls Catholic
Church - Overland, Missouri
Alton Elementary Multipurpose Room
- Alton, Missouri
Alma Community Center - Alma,
American Legion Hall -
Blue Springs, Missouri
American Legion Hall - Emporia, Kansas
Legion Hall - Festus,
American Legion Hall -
Johnson, Nebraska
American Legion Hall -
Manhattan, Kansas
American Royal Vendors Pavilion in Hale Arena
- Kansas City, Missouri
Amos Family Funeral Home
- Shawnee, Kansas
Anderson Building, Lyon County Fairgrounds
- Emporia, Kansas
Andover Community Center
- Andover, Kansas
Andover Senior Center -
Andover, Kansas
Antioch Community Church, Fellowship Hall
Kansas City North, Missouri
Arcadia Academy - Arcadia,
Arcadia Valley Elementary
- Ironton, Missouri
Arden Mead Youth & Community Center
- Webster Groves, Missouri
Ark-N-Taw Barn - Lee’s
Summit, Missouri
Ascension Lutheran Church
Wichita, Kansas
Atonement Lutheran Church
- Florissant, Missouri
Avondale City Offices -
Avondale, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Residence - Park City, Kansas
Bank of Versailles
Bank) - Laurie,
Belmont Boulevard Christian Church
Salina, Kansas
Belton Christian Church
- Belton, Missouri
Best Western Truman Inn
- Independence,
Betty's Big Country Dance Hall
- Caddo Valley, Arkansas
Bingham-Waggoner Mansion
Independence, Missouri 64051
Bicentennial Center - Kenwood Park, Now Tony's Pizza Event Center
- Salina, Kansas
Bishop Seabury Academy
- Lawrence, Kansas
Black River Coliseum - Poplar
Bluff, Missouri
Blees Room - Macon, Missouri
Bluestem Hall - Emporia, Kansas
Boogie Barn - Mountain View,
Boys &
Girls Club - West Side - Springfield, Missouri
Boys & Girls Club - Henderson Unit
- Springfield, Missouri
Bradford Community Building
- Greenville, Illinois
Bradford National Bank
- Greenville, Illinois
Brentwood Library
Springfield, Missouri
Brookdale Presbyterian Church
- St. Joseph, Missouri
High School
- Brookfield, Missouri
Middle School
- Brookfield, Missouri
Burrton Community Center
- Burrton, Kansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
Cairo Christian Church
- Cairo, Missouri
Calvary Temple
Greenville, Illinois
Camelot II Ballroom -
Lawrence, Kansas
Campus RV Park - Independence,
Harvester Church - Cameron,
Cameron United Methodist Church - Cameron,
Camp Wood YMCA - Elmdale, Kansas
Canton Community Center
Canton, Missouri
Plaza Hotel - Jefferson City, Missouri
Capital Ritz Banquet
& Dance Center - Jefferson City, Missouri
Carpenters Barn
Andover, Kansas
Carrington Place of St. Charles
St. Charles, Missouri
Township & Senior Citizen Hall - Fairview Heights, Illinois
School Basement - Brookfield, Missouri
Celebration Hall - Franklin
County Fairgrounds - Ottawa, Kansas 66067
Centenary United Methodist
Church -
Lawrence, Kansas
Centennial Hall
- Nevada, Missouri
Centerview Hall
- Raymore, Missouri 64083
Central Park Pavilion -
Chanute, Kansas
Cessna Activity Center
Wichita, Kansas
Cheney State Park - Cheney, Kansas 67025
Chisholm Middle School
- Newton, Kansas
Chillicothe Central Elementary School
Chillicothe, Missouri
Chillicothe Middle School -
Chillicothe, Missouri
Christ Lutheran Church -
Webster Groves, Missouri
Community Center - Chula, Missouri
Church of the Master
Florissant, Missouri
Church of the Transfiguration
- Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Civic Center
West Plains, Missouri
Clasbey Center - Savannah, Missouri
Clay County Court House
Annex - Kansas City, Missouri 64118
Club House - Eureka Springs (Holiday Island), Arkansas
RV Park - Carthage, Missouri
Cobblestone Inn - Branson, Missouri
Collingwood Barn - Pretty
Prairie, Kansas
Colonial Church of Prairie Village
- Prairie Village, Kansas
Columbia Senior
Center - Columbia, Missouri
Community Building - Lawrence,
Community Building -
Shell Knob, Missouri
Community Building - Warsaw,
Community Center - DeSoto, Missouri
Community Center -
Nevada, Missouri
Community Center -
Ogden, Kansas
Community Center - Stanberry, Missouri
Community Christian Church
- Camdenton, Missouri
Community Christian Church -
St. Joseph, Missouri
Community Of Christ Auditorium
Independence, Missouri 64050
Community Of Christ Temple
- Independence, Missouri
Community Of Christ - Grandview Congregation
- Grandview, Missouri
Community Worship Center
- Alton, Missouri
Lutheran Church - Kirkwood, Missouri
Building - Maysville, Missouri
Cornerstone Church
- Cameron, Missouri
Coronation of Our Lady Catholic Church Gym
- Grandview, Missouri
Country Aire Retirement Estate - Lewistown, Missouri
Country Music
Hall - Mammoth Spring, Arkansas
Countryside Christian Church
Mission, Kansas
Country Villas Apartment Complex - Moberly, Missouri
Hall -
Tecumseh (Topeka), Kansas
Crossroads Methodist
Church - Grand Junction, Colorado
Crossroads United Methodist Church
Belton, Missouri
Cross Timbers Community
Center - Cross Timbers, Missouri
Crowder State Park
Trenton, Missouri
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Kansas City Missouri 64105
Cutty's Okoboji Resort
- Spirit Lake, Iowa
Return to the
Top of the Page
Dawson Home
Overland Park, Kansas 66221
Dawson United
Methodist Church - Wichita, Kansas
Delta Woods Middle School
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Denning, Kevin & Diane - Home
- Wichita, Kansas
De Soto Community Center
De Soto, Missouri
Middle School - Liberty, Missouri
Doubletree (By Hilton) St. Louis-Chesterfield Hotel and Convention
Center - Chesterfield, Missouri 63017
County Fairgrounds, Building 21 -
Lawrence, Kansas
Downtown Senior Center
- Wichita, Kansas
Dunlap District. #9 Fire
Department Gym - Dunlap, Kansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
Club - Ottumwa, Iowa
Lodge - Lawrence, Kansas
Eastgate Christian
Church -
Independence, Missouri
East Park - Golden City, Missouri
Eisenhower Elementary School
Independence, Kansas
El Dorado Senior Center
- El Dorado, Kansas
El Dorado Springs Senior Center
- El Dorado Springs, Missouri
El Dorado Springs Youth Center
El Dorado Springs, Missouri
Elementary School Gym -
Mountain View, Missouri
Elks Lodge - Festus, Missouri
Elks Lodge - Osawatomie, Kansas
Elmdale Community Center
Hutchinson, Kansas
Empire Prairie Community Building
Rea, Missouri 64480
Emporia State University Memorial Union
- Emporia, Kansas
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - St. Louis,
Elementary School - Nixa, Missouri
Eudora Parks &
Recreation Center - Eudora, Kansas
Eureka 66 Senior Center - Eureka, Missouri
Northern Community Hall - Rolla, Missouri
Springs Community Center - Excelsior Springs
Return to the
Top of the Page
Building - Eldon, Missouri
Fairmount Community Center
- Independence, Missouri
Faris Elementary School
Hutchinson, Kansas
Fire Fighters Union Hall
- Springfield, Missouri
Fire House #8
- Springfield, Missouri
First Bank of
Missouri -
Gladstone, Missouri
Bank of Missouri - Smithville, Missouri
First Baptist Church of Kansas City
Kansas City,
First Baptist Church - Ottawa, Kansas
First Christian Church
- Brookfield, Missouri
First Christian
Church - Eagleville, Missouri
First Christian Church
Emporia, Kansas
First Christian Church
Macon, Missouri
First Lutheran Church -
Mission Hills, Kansas
First Lutheran Church - Manhattan,
Methodist Church West Campus - Lawrence, Kansas
First Presbyterian Church
- Great Bend, Kansas
First United Methodist Church - Festus, Missouri
First United Methodist Church
- Greenville, Illinois
First United Methodist Church -
Ottawa, Kansas
First United Methodist Church -
Rolla, Missouri
First United Methodist
church - Sedalia, Missouri
First United Methodist Church - Celebration Center -
Sedalia, Missouri
First United
Methodist Church -
St. Charles, Missouri
Fleming, Jerry &
Anne -
Chesterfield, Missouri
Florissant Valley Christian Church
Florissant, Missouri
Building -
Salina, Kansas
4-H Senior Citizens
Building -
Junction City, Kansas
Fort Hays
State University - Hays, Kansas
Fort Osage - Sibley, Missouri
Villa - Springfield, Missouri
Franklin P. Norman Community Center
- Nevada, Missouri
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #1
Independence, Missouri
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #49
St. Joseph, Missouri
Freeman Elementary School
Haysville, Kansas
Freshman Center High School
Blue Springs, Missouri
Friedens United Church of Christ
- St. Charles, Missouri
Friendship Center
- Salina, Kansas
Friendship Village of West County -
Convocation Hall - Chesterfield,
Frisco Recreation Center
- Frisco, Colorado
Return to the
Top of the Page
Gamber Center Lee's Summit,
Garden of Life
Spiritual Center - St Louis, Missouri
Gashland United Methodist Church
- Kansas City, Missouri
Gibault Catholic High School - Waterloo, Illinois
Glenaire City Hall -
Glenaire, Missouri
Glendale Presbyterian Church -
Glendale, Missouri
Golden City Park -
Golden City, Missouri
Golden Corral - Independence,
Good Samaritan Society
- Mountain Home, Arkansas
Goppert Center - Ottawa, Kansas
George F.
Gould Building - Saint Charles, Missouri
Office Building - Jefferson City, Missouri
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
- Overland Park, Kansas
Grace Fellowship Church
- Overland Park, Kansas
Grace United Church
of Christ - St. Peters, Missouri
Graceway Church Fellowship Hall
- Raytown, Missouri
Grand Oaks Camp -
Chillicothe, Missouri
Grand River Multi Purpose Senior Center
- Chillicothe, Missouri
Grandview Elementary School
- Higginsville, Missouri
Building - Gardner, Kansas
Grove Civic Center - Grove,
Gunsmoke RV Park
- Dodge City, Kansas
Guy Berry College Gym
Mountain Home, Arkansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
Education Center / Valley View High School -
Blue Springs, Missouri
Harper County
4H Barn
Harper, Kansas
Harrisonville Elementary School
Harrisonville, Missouri
Harvester Lion's Club - St Charles,
Hawthorn School -
Kearney, Missouri
Senior Center -
Haysville, Kansas
Center for Well-Being - Mountain Home, Arkansas
Heman Park Community Center - University City,
Harmony House - Aurora, Missouri
Hesston Elementary School
- Hesston, Kansas
Hesston High
School - Hesston, Kansas
Hesston Middle
School -
Hesston, Kansas
Hickman Mills Community Christian Church
Kansas City, Missouri
Hill Crest Elementary School
Belton, Missouri
Hilltop Manor - Eureka,
Holiday Inn Express & Conference Center
- Claremore, Oklahoma
Holiday Inn Express Village West
- Kansas City, Kansas
Holiday Inn
- Cedar Falls Hotel and Convention Center - Joplin, Missouri
Holiday Inn - Joplin Hotel and
Convention Center - Joplin, Missouri
Holiday Inn - NW Arkansas Convention Center
- Springdale, Arkansas
Holmswood Baptist Church
- Kansas City, Missouri
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
- O'Fallon, Missouri
Holy Trinity Catholic School
- Paola, Kansas
Home Care of Mid-Missouri
- Moberly, Missouri
Economics Building at Vernon County Fairgrounds - Nevada, Missouri
Hopalong Cassidy Room - Benton,
Hotel Phillips -
Kansas City, Missouri
Community Center -
Humeston, Iowa
HyVee - Noland Road - Independence,
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Top of the Page
Immanuel Lutheran Church - Kansas City, Missouri
Immanuel Lutheran Church - Lawrence, Kansas
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Hall - Waterloo, Illinois
Immanuel UCC Church -
Ferguson, Missouri
Square (Parking Location) -
Independence, Missouri
Independent Farmers Bank
Stewartsville, Missouri
Inspiration Dance Studio
- Savannah, Missouri
IOOF Hall - Gladstone,
IOOF Hall - Des Moines,
IOOF Hall -
Topeka, Kansas
United Church of Christ -
Kansas City (Raytown), Missouri
Ivy Chapel - United Church of Christ
- Chesterfield, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Jackie Dohm - Chesterfield,
Jack Stack BBQ - Lee's Summit,
Jail Museum - Independence,
John Boise
Middle School (R-9
Middle School) -
Warsaw, Missouri
John F. Kennedy Community
Center - Florissant, Missouri
Knox Presbyterian Church - Florissant, Missouri
Johnson County Fair Ground -
Warrensburg, Missouri
Johnson County Heritage Center
- Overland Park, Kansas
Joplin Senior Center -
Joplin, Missouri
Square Dance Center - Joplin, Missouri
June Conley
Building - Maysville, Missouri
Junior High Cafeteria -
Pea Ridge, Arkansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
Kansas City Convention Center
- Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City T-Bones Stadium
- Kansas City, Kansas
Kansas State Fair
- Hutchinson, Kansas
Wesleyan University, Student Activities Center
- Hutchinson, Kansas
Kaw Valley Dance Center -
Topeka Kansas
K-BLE Multipurpose Building - Clinton,
Fellowship Hall -
Kansas City, Missouri
Expo Center - Kansas City, Missouri
Farmers Market -
Kearney, Missouri
Kearney High School -
Kearney, Missouri
Kelly Home -
E. Cowan Civic Center - Lebanon, Missouri
Kingman Armory
- Kingman, Kansas
Kingsway United Methodist Church
- Springfield, Missouri
Kiowa Community Center
- Kiowa,
Community Center - Kirkwood, Missouri
Kirkwood Lodge
- Osage Beach, Missouri
Park - Kingman, Kansas
Knights of
Columbus Hall - Hoisington, Kansas
Knights of Columbus Hall
- Kingman, Kansas
Knights of
Columbus Hall - Overland (St. Louis), Missouri
Knights of
Columbus Hall - Shawnee, Kansas
KOA of Salina - Salina, Kansas
K-State Union Ballroom
Manhattan, Kansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
La Belle Manor Care Center - La
Belle, Missouri
Lake Afton Park -
Goddard, Kansas
Lake Shawnee Campground
- Topeka, Kansas
Village - Eastside
- Lenexa, Kansas
The Lampo Building - Neosho,
Bank - Laurie,
The Leadership Center -
Aurora, Nebraska
Leawood Baptist Church
Leawood, Kansas
Presbyterian Church - Leawood, Kansas
Lebo Community Building
- Lebo, Kansas
Legacy Christian Church
- Overland Park, Kansas
Lenexa United Methodist Church
- Lenexa, Kansas
Leu Civic
Center -
Mascoutah, Illinois
Lexington United Methodist Church
Lexington, Missouri
Liberation Dance Company
- Olathe, Kansas
Liberty Health & Wellness
- Liberty, Missouri
Library Center -
Springfield, Missouri
LikeMe Lighthouse - Kansas City, Missouri
Lindsborg City Park (Swensson Park)
- Lindsborg, Kansas
Linn County
4H/FFA Fairgrounds
- Brookfield, Missouri
Community Center - Litchfield, Illinois
Little Blue Barn -
Kansas City, Missouri
Little Hornets Day Care
Advance, Missouri
Lloyd Travis Municipal Building
- Lakeview, Arkansas
Loch Haven Senior Living Community
- Macon, Missouri
Locust Creek
Event Center -
Brookfield, Missouri
Lodge At Sequoyah
State Park - Wagoner, Oklahoma
Lodge of Four Seasons - Lake
Ozark, Missouri
Lord of Life Lutheran Church -
Chesterfield, Missouri
Church of the Resurrection -
Prairie Village, Kansas
Lutheran Church of
the Resurrection - St. Louis, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Macon Elementary School
Cafeteria - Macon, Missouri 63552
Macon County Fairgrounds - Macon,
Macon Health Care Center
- Macon, Missouri
Madison County Farm Supply Inc.
Fredricktown, Missouri
Main Street Community
Center (MSCC) - Edwardsville, Illinois
MaMa Gardens - Independence,
The MARC (Mt Vernon Art & Recreation Center)
- Mt Vernon, Missouri
Marriott Muehlebach
Downtown - Kansas City, Missouri
Masonic Lodge - Rising
Sun -
- -
Kansas City, Missouri
Masonic Lodge -
Shawnee, Kansa
Vista Club House -
Paola, Kansa
Luther Lutheran Church -
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Maysville High
School - Maysville, Missouri
Mayview Park
- Mayview, Missouri
McCarty Senior Center -
Senior Center)
Park Pavilion - Jefferson City, Missouri
McCorkle Park
- Cameron, Missouri
McCrarey Circle Apartments Community Room
- Eldorado Springs, Missouri
Meadowbrook United Methodist Church
Gladstone, Missouri
School of Dance
Kirksville, Missouri
Community Center
- Tulsa, Oklahoma
Memorial Hall - Blanchette Park
- St. Charles, Missouri
Memorial Hall -
Carthage, Missouri
Memorial Hall -
Joplin, Missouri
Memorial Union - Fort Hays State University
Hays, Kansas
Messiah Lutheran Church
- Emporia, Kansas
Metropolitan Community College - Blue River
- Independence, Missouri
Midwest Dance &
Fitness Center - Grain Valley, Missouri
Midwest Genealogy Center
- Independence, Missouri
Missouri Theatre -
University of Missouri - Columbia, Missouri
Minnie Cline
Elementary School - Savannah, Missouri
Missouri State Fairgrounds
- Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall
- Sedalia, Missouri
Missouri State
Fairgrounds - Campground - Sedalia, Missouri
Moberly Area Community College
Moberly, Missouri.
Area Technical Center - Moberly, Missouri
Municipal Auditorium -
Moberly, Missouri
Monticello United
Methodist Church -
Shawnee, Kansas
Mormon Visitor Center -
Independence, Missouri
Morris County Senior Citizens Center
Council Grove, Kansas
View Senior Center - Mountain View, Missouri
Mt. Garfield Middle School
- Clifton, Colorado 81520
Multipurpose Building -
North Jefferson Cedar City Room -
North Jefferson City (Cedar City), Missouri
Municipal Auditorium -
Hoisington, Kansas
Municipal Building -
Junction City, Kansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
National Frontier Trails Museum
- Independence, Missouri
Nativity of Mary
School - Independence, Missouri
Neal Senior Center -
Nevada, Missouri
NEMO Fair Grounds - 4-H Barn
- Kirksville, Missouri 63501
Newtonia Community
Center - Newtonia, Missouri
Senior Center - Nixa, Missouri
North Kansas City Hospital
Pavilion - North Kansas City, Missouri
Northmoor United Methodist Church
Kansas City, Missouri
Center - Springfield, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Oak Christian Church -
Amity, Missouri
Oak Grove Community
Center - Springfield, Missouri
Oaklawn Activity Center
- Wichita, Kansas
Oasis Hotel & Convention Center
- Springfield, Missouri
O'Bannon Community
Center - Buffalo, Missouri
Odd Fellows
Hall -
Poplar Bluff,
Odd Fellows Lodge -
Gladstone, Missouri
O'Dell Center - See
St. Charles Senior Center
Odessa Community Center
Odessa, Missouri
Ogden Community Center
- Ogden, Kansas
Olathe Community Center
- Olathe, Kansas
Olathe Weslyan
Church - Olathe, Kansas
Old Jasper High School
Gym - Jasper, Missouri
Old Shawnee Town Hall -
Shawnee, Kansas
Old St. Ferdinand Shrine School -
Florissant, Missouri
Ole Sew-N-Sew -
Westwood, Kansas
Olivette Community
Center - Olivette, Missouri
OMC Building - West Plains,
The O'Reilly-Tefft Gym -
Springfield, Missouri
Osage Centre
- Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Osage Trail Middle School
- Independence, Missouri
Osawatomie City Auditorium
Osawatomie, Kansas
Community Church -
Ottawa, Kansas
Ottawa High School -
Ottawa, Kansas
Ottawa Middle School -
Ottawa, Kansas
Ottumwa Eagles Club - Ottumwa,
Lady Church - Festus,
Our Lady of Mercy
Country Home -
Liberty, Missouri
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
- Greenville, Illinois
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
- Overland, Missouri
Savior Lutheran Church
- Wayne, Nebraska
Overland Lions Hall
Overland, Missouri 63114
Overland Park Presbyterian Church
- Overland Park, Kansas
Ozarks Technical Community College
- Springfield, Missouri
Ozark West Elementary School
- Ozark, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Paola Senior Citizen Center
Paola, Kansas
Park City Senior Center
- Park City, Kansas
Parkside Gardens
- Saint Charles, Missouri
Parkside Meadows Retirement Center-
Saint Charles, Missouri
Parkside Retirement
Living - Saint Charles, Missouri
Pea Ridge Elementary
School -
Pea Ridge, Arkansas
Pea Ridge High School -
Pea Ridge, Arkansas
Pea Ridge Middle School
Cafeteria - Pea Ridge, Arkansas
Peace Memorial (City) Auditorium
Manhattan, Kansas
Pershing - John J. Pershing
Boyhood Home - Laclede, Missouri
Pine Dell Horse
Farm - Pleasant Hill, Missouri
Platte County
Fairgrounds - Tracy, Missouri
Platte Woods United Methodist Church
Kansas City, Missouri
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
- Norfolk, Nebraska
Prairie Commons
Apartments Club House - Lawrence, Kansas
Prairie Park Elementary
- Lawrence, Kansas
The Pumpkin Patch - Kansas City,
Puxico Elementary School
- Puxico, Missouri
Puxico School
Activity Center -
Puxico, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Quadra Dangle Hall -
Laramie, Wyoming
Quality Inn -
Independence, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Elementary School Gym - Brookfield, Missouri
Middle School (John Boise
Middle School) - Warsaw, Missouri
Radiant Life Church - Kearney , Missouri
Randolph County YMCA -
Moberly, Missouri
Raymore-Peculiar High School -
Peculiar, Missouri
Recreation Center - Derby,
Church, Family Life Center (Was
West Side Church of God Family Life Center)
Wichita, Kansas
Redman Creek Recreation Area
Wappapello, Missouri
Red Roof Inn -
Reed Center - Hays, Kansas
Reformation Lutheran
Church - St. Louis, Missouri
ReMax - Liberty, Missouri
Renaissance St.
Louis Airport Hotel - St. Louis, Missouri
Richland Community
Center (Shady Dell Park) -
Richland, Missouri
Richland Elementary School
- Richland, Missouri
Riley County Senior Center
Manhattan, Kansas
Riley County Senior
Service Center - Manhattan, Kansas
Riverdale Baptist
- Nixa, Missouri
Riverfront Community Center
- Leavenworth,
Roosevelt Elementary
School -
Hays, Kansas
Roy Hestand Home - Mountain
Home, Arkansas
Roy's Barn - Atchison, Kansas
Rutledge School Gym - Rutledge, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Heart Catholic Church - Emporia, Kansas
Sacred Heart
Hall - Poplar Bluff, Missouri
Saint Andrews Episcopal
Church - Mountain Home, Arkansas
Saint Mary Catholic Church
- West Plains, Missouri
Sand Hills State Park
- Hutchinson, Kansa
Salem Methodist Church
- Ballwin, Missouri
Salina Country
Club- Salina, Kansas
Savannah High School -- Savannah, Missouri
Savannah Middle School
- Savannah, Missouri
Old Middle School
- Savannah, Missouri
Sayers Senior Center -
Potosi, Missouri
Schutt, Gordon & Irma Home
Wichita, Kansas
Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library
- Springfield, Missouri 65804
Scotty's Auction Service
- Macon, Missouri
Sedgwick County Research & Extension Office
- Wichita, Kansas
Selvidge Middle School
- Ballwin, Missouri
Senior & Family Resource Center
- Quincy, Illinois
Senior Center -
Brookfield, Missouri
Senior Center -
Emporia, Kansas
Senior Center -
Manhattan, Kansas
Senior Center
- Mountain Grove, Missouri
Senior Center - Trenton, Missouri
Citizen Center - Neosho, Missouri
Citizen Center - Ozark, Missouri
Citizen Center - Puxico, Missouri
Citizen Center - Salina, Kansas
Citizens Activity Center - Coffeyville, Kansas
Sermon Center -
Independence, Missouri
Sertoma Event Center
- Springfield, Missouri
Shawnee Civic Center
Shawnee, Kansas
Shawnee Mission Park -
Shawnee, Kansas
Creek Patrol Division -
Kansas City, Missouri
Silver Moon Plaza - Chillicothe, Missouri
Simpson Elementary
School - Russell, Kansas
Smithville Lake
Crows Creek Campground -
Smithville, Missouri
Smithville Lake
Park Headquarters -
Smithville, Missouri
Soden Park - Emporia, Kansas
South Harrison
Elementary School - Bethany, Missouri
Southside Senior Center
- Springfield, Missouri
South Valley Junior High -
Liberty, Missouri (Now Discovery Middle School)
South Valley Middle
School -
Liberty, Missouri
Presbyterian Church - Wichita, Kansas
Spirit of Hope Metropolitan
Community Church -
Kansas City, Missouri
Springfield Catholic High School -
Springfield, Missouri
Square & Round Dance Hall - Texarkana, Arkansas
City Park - Shelter House
- Stanberry, Missouri
State Historical Society of Missouri
- Columbia, Missouri
Ann Community Center - St. Ann, Missouri
St. Boniface Catholic Church - Victoria, Kansas
Charles Senior Center (O'Dell Center) - St. Charles, Missouri
St. Ferdinand Shrine
School - Florissant, Missouri
St. Francis of Assisi -
Wichita, Kansas
St. James Lutheran Church
Kansas City, Missouri
St. Joseph Civic Arena
- St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Louis Activity Center
Saint Louis, Missouri
St. Louis Union Station Hotel
- Saint Louis, Missouri
St. Luke United Methodist
Church -
Springfield, Missouri
St. Marks United Methodist Church
Overland Park, Kansas
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
- Hazelwood, Missouri
Peter Lutheran Church - St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Phillips United Church of
Christ - St. Louis, Missouri
St. Robert
American Legion Post 331 - Saint Robert, Missouri
St. Robert Community Center
Saint Robert, Missouri
St. Robert Municipal Center
- Saint Robert, Missouri
St. Timothy's Episcopal
Church - Creve Coeur, Missouri
Downtown Park - Stewartsville, Missouri
Stewartsville Fire Department Community Room
- Stewartsville, Missouri
Stone Castle Hotel &
Conference Center - Branson, Missouri
Stoney Creek Hotel
& Conference Center - St. Joseph, Missouri 64506
Sunflower Bank - Salina,
Super 8 Independence -
Independence, Missouri
Susnig Civic
Center -
Jerseyville, Illinois
Swensson Park (Lindsborg City
Park) - Lindsborg, Kansas
Sycamore Hills Elementary School
Independence, Missouri
Return to the
Top of the Page
Tanglewood Elementary - Derby, Kansas
The Alley -
Kansas City, Missouri
The Point - Kansas City, Missouri
Theodosia Town Hall
- Theodosia, Missouri
Thoman-Boothe American Legion Park
- Overland, Missouri
Tiemeyer Park - St. Ann,
Timothy Lutheran Church
- St. Louis, Missouri
Tim's Pizza -
Independence, Missouri
Tony's Pizza Event Center, Formerly Bicentennial Center - Kenwood Park - Salina, Kansas
Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library -
Topeka, Kansas
Town &
Country Christian Church -
Topeka, Kansas
Townsend Heating & Cooling Inc
- Festus, Missouri
Tri-City Senior Center
- Park City, Kansas
Trinity Lutheran Church
Atchison, Kansas
Trinity Lutheran
Church -
Chesterfield, Missouri
Trinity Presbyterian Church
- Topeka, Kansas
Trinity United Methodist
Church Fellowship Center - Brookfield, Missouri
Trinity United Methodist Church
Brookfield, Missouri
Trinity United Methodist Church
- Moberly, Missouri
Truman High School -
Independence, Missouri
Truman Home -
Independence, Missouri
Truman Library
- Independence, Missouri
Tuckaway At Frontier -
Lawrence, Kansas
Tuttle Creek Reservoir
- Manhattan, Kansas
Return to the
Top of the Page
United Church of
the Good Shepherd - Kansas City, Kansas
United Methodist Church
- Eureka, Missouri
United Methodist Church
- Haysville, Kansas
United Methodist Church
- Herculaneum, Missouri
United Methodist Church
- Liberty, Missouri
United Methodist Church
- Macon, Missouri
United Methodist Church - Kingsway
- Springfield, Missouri
United Methodist Church of Green Trails
- Chesterfield, Missouri
United Methodist Church - West Heights
- Wichita, Kansas
University Friends Church - Wichita, Kansas
Unity Church - Overland Park, Kansas
Upper Elementary School
- Ozark, Missouri
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Top of the Page
Valentino’s South Room
Seneca, Kansas
Van Metre Senior Center (In Cooper Park) -
Mountain Home, Arkansas
Paris Community Center -
Topeka, Kansas
Vernon County Fairgrounds
- Nevada, Missouri 64772
Hall -
Blue Springs, Missouri
VFW Hall -
Lenexa, Kansas
VFW Hall -
Liberty, Missouri
VFW Hall - Puxico, Missouri
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Wagner Home -Topeka, Kansas
Walt Disney Museum - Marceline, Missouri 64658
Warnock Lake Campground
- Atchison, Kansas
Warsaw Community Center -
Warsaw, Missouri
Washburn Towers
Ottawa, Kansas
Waynesville Memorial Chapel
- Waynesville, Missouri
Webster Groves Christian
Church - Webster
Groves, Missouri
Webster Groves United Methodist Church - Webster
Groves, Missouri
Wesley United
Methodist Church - Trenton, Missouri
Westbrooke Care Center
- Kearney, Missouri
Westin Indianapolis - Indianapolis, Indiana
Westminster United
Presbyterian Church -
Emporia, Kansas
Westridge Elementary - Ballwin,
Church, Family Life Center (Was
West Side Church of God Family Life Center)
Wichita, Kansas
West Side Senior Center
- Gravois Mills, Missouri
Senior Center - Wheatland, Missouri
Willard Community Center
- Willard, Missouri
Winchester Community Building
Winchester, Kansas
Windsor Estates Of Saint Charles
- Saint Charles, Missouri
WinterStone Golf Course
- Independence, Missouri
River Round House - Wood River, Illinois
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Yellow Rock Barn -
Raytown, Missouri
Yellow Rock Campground
- Lolo, Montana
YMCA - Mountain Grove
- Mountain Grove, Missouri
YMCA - St. Joseph
- St. Joseph, Missouri
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Top of the Page
Zarda Bar-B-Q - Blue Springs,
Zarda Bar-B-Q -
Lenexa, Kansas
Lutheran Church - Macon, Missouri
Lutheran Church - Moberly, Missouri