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Updated 12/18/15

Printable Copy  I  Obituary  I

Ron McCravy
O'Fallon, Missouri

2002 Caller / Cuer Hall of Fame

The Honoree for 2002 has been teaching and calling for 36 years and has called at State Festivals for 30 years. Ron and Mary McCravy began dancing in 1966 in O'Fallon, Missouri. He currently calls for all current Federation Clubs in the St. Louis District.

In January, 1970, Ron began calling for Wentzville Grand Squares (later became Circle M Squares). Early in the 1970's he helped promote and distribute the first DOIN'S Newsletter when it was just a mimeographed sheet.

He formed One By One's Singles Club in St. Charles County, Tri Level Squares Advanced Club, Moose Squares, later to be Cross Trails, became Club Caller for Road Runners Camping Club in the 1980's and is one of the Club Callers for Gateway Wagoneers, Chapter 179.

Ron has received 25 year recognition from Caller Lab, was M.C. for the State Festival in 1982, Sound Chairman for the State Festival in 1997, and this busy caller has taught beginner square dance lessons continuously since 1970, some years teaching 4 classes a week. He has been a full member of St. Louis Caller's Guild. He has not missed a St. Louis Jamboree since 1966, being M.C. in 1976. As a member of Mid-Mo Callers Association. He has only missed 8 meetings since joining in 1973.

During 1980's Ron was Activities person for mental ward at St. Joseph's Hospital in St. Charles for 4 1/2 years. He has worked in recreation for various church groups, calling at church retreats, outdoor education camps, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, 4-H groups, Sr. Citizens Centers, various colleges and schools, handicapped groups, fairs, etc. In 1986, he took a square dance tour group to Ireland and he has called in 8 states.

In the 1990's they had St. Louis Cordels, an exhibition group, that performed at the State Festival. He was State Coordinator to raise money for Caller Lab's Couch Potato Ad and Missouri came in $1500 above projected goal The McCravy's worked the camping area for National Square Dance Convention in 1993.

Ron and Mary have taught line dancing and couples country western dancing several years. He has sponsored and helped teach new callers and supports and encourages youth in square dancing.

Ron has lived all his life in Missouri, married Mary Adams in 1956. They both attended University of Missouri at Columbia. Ron retired from McDonald Douglas and Mary was an art teacher. They have two grown children and three grandchildren. The McCravy's enjoy family, traveling, sight-seeing and are active campers.