Dennis Mineau
St. Charles, Missouri
2019 Caller / Cuer Hall of Fame
It is our great pleasure to announce the 2019 Inductee to the
Missouri Federation of Square n' Round Dance Clubs Caller/Cuer
Hall of Fame.
This year’s inductee began dancing in the early sixties. With the
help of other students in his beginning dance class, he began to
secretly practice calling. After doing guest tips with local clubs, he
was able to become a club caller when one of the local callers
Our inductee’s first club was the Morro Rockers in Morro Bay,
California, followed by other clubs in California.
In 1996 our inductee and his wife moved to Missouri and the St.
Louis area. He travels throughout the Mid-Western region of the U.S.
with occasional trips back to California. He has been nominated by
the St. Louis and Southeast Districts.
He is a member of the St. Louis Callers Guild and the American
Callers Association. He has been a dancer and caller for over 57
years, and he continues to be actively involved in calling square
dances and teaching.
The 2019 inductee to the Federation Caller/Cuer Hall of Fame is
Dennis Mineau.