Tony & Carolyn Ahart
Tony & Carolyn are round dance cuers and instructors in Springfield, Missouri. They met in 2007, were married in 2009, and have been teaching together ever since.
They have a Phase II-IV club called Twirl-A-Rounds, and a Carousel Club. They host a Sunday afternoon dance each quarter, which is attended by many dancers from the area. They also cue and teach at various out-of town events. They have been the featured cuer at several State Festivals, as well as several Heart of America Singles Square Dance Association Festivals and the National Singles Square Dancers Dance-A-Rama. They have choreographed and published over 20 dances including “Girl Crush”.
They have been and are still active in several dance organizations. They have served on various Roundalab committees, as well as on the Roundalab Board of Directors, of which Tony is a past Chairman. They have participated on the Round Dance Committee for four different National Square Dance Conventions and were the Vice-Chairman of Rounds for the 67th in Kansas City. They have showcased and taught at eight National Conventions.
They are members and past presidents of the Missouri Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. They are also members of ICBDA, Dixie Round Dance Council and other state and regional round dance organizations.