Ralph & Sarah Meservey
Peppy Promenaders Square Dance Club
Chillicothe, Missouri
Westcentral District
Square Dancers of the Year
2018 Square Dancer of the Year
Ralph & Sarah Meservey.
Back in 1990 this couple started dancing INDEED. He was a widower who had previously danced. As a busy, self-employed person he became a newlywed and asked his new wife to dance with him. She worked a full time job and helped taking care of family members.
After lessons they became an integral part of their local club. They have angeled every set of lessons for their club and often helped neighboring clubs, as well. They served in almost every office of their club, including President for over 10 years. They have helped on the District level and even the State level.
They are instrumental in making sure everyone gets to dance, even if one of them sits out a dance or two. They want to make sure each new dancer feels comfortable and welcome, taking them under their wings, getting them involved in traveling to visit/support other clubs, and giving square dance attire to them that wanted to wear them.
In spite of their busy lives, they always find time to dance exhibitions at nursing homes, street fairs, schools, etc. Anytime an area club was asked to perform they were there, even dancing on a moving float in a parade. They have helped host both District Dances and State meetings. They travel to distant dances regularly to support a local caller/club or dance to a national caller. Though this couple is quiet and a lot of people don't see the work they do, they are a shining example of dedicated dancers who love to share the activity with all.
They have not missed a State Festival since graduation. Let us hope they are not missing this one either. Ha Ha!
Please welcome the new 2018 Missouri Federation of Square N Round Dance Club winners, with great pleasure and honor we present Ralph and Sarah Meservey of the Peppy Promenaders Square Dance Club in Chillicothe, Missouri,
The West Central District should be proud of this accomplishment.