Ray & Vicki Wittman
Missouri Promenaders Square Dance Club
Overland, Missouri
St. Louis Metro Square & Round Dance Association
Square Dancers of the Year
Ray & Vicki's involvement in the world of square dancing began in the
very early 1980's when they accepted an invitation to a beginners' square
dance class which started them on the road to being named the Elmer
Kruse Memorial Honored Dancers in 2002.
In their almost 40 years of square dancing, they have been members of
the Wham Bams Club and later the Missouri Promenaders. Over the
years, they have held a number of positions in the clubs as well as being
angels at lessons.
It has been said of Ray: "Provide him with a piece of cardboard and
some colored markers and he will create any sign or decoration needed
for a special event."
Ray & Vicki were the publicity chairmen for the 42nd National Square
Dance Convention held in St. Louis in 1993.
They supported the St. Louis League of Clubs until 2008. They were
also active in the Greater St. Louis Folk & Square Dance Federation until
2008. In 2008 the St. Louis Metro Federation was formed bringing the two
previous organizations together; Ray was their first president.
They became involved with the Missouri State Federation working to
make square dancing the official dance of the State of Missouri traveling
throughout the state to promote this idea. They were in Jefferson City on
August 28, 1995 to witness the Legislature passing the bill. They continue
to be active on the state level.
Throughout their years of being involved in square dancing, it can be
said that they have been true square dance ambassadors. It is with great
pleasure that we recognize them as our 2019 Square Dancers of the Year.