Contents Missouri

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Missouri Federation

Contents Missouri
Area Publications


Fed Facts

St. Louis Metro N.E.W.S

The Show-Me Doin's

The Show-Me Doin's On Line


Heart Of America

Missouri Federation

St. Louis Metro

Show-Me Doin's
All Articles and Calendar listings
Due by the 15th of:
November (January-March Issue),
February (April-June Issue),
May (July-September Issue),
August (October-December Issue) to:
Edythe Weber
816.830.0350, Doins E-Mail 

To advertise your dance or business, contact:
Crystle Swager 417.540.4743
7315 County Road 303
 Carl Junction, Missouri 64834-8128 E-Mail

The Show-Me Doin's



          Official Publication of the "Missouri Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs, Inc."

        Area Covered:

          All of Missouri and northern Arkansas.  Many clubs in the greater Kansas City belong to both the Missouri Federation and the Heart of America Federation and can be accessed from either the "Doins" or the "Fed Facts"). 

        Information included:

          Schedule of most dances in the area
          Chatter from member clubs
          Listing of special dances
          Listing of most area clubs
          Listing of most area callers and cuers
          Listing of Federation officers

Procedures for Clubs Receiving Most Current Doin's for Graduation New Dancers - On Line or Printed Form

The deadline for articles and advertising is:
November 15 – Jan-Mar issue
February 15 – April-June issue
May 15 – July-Sept issue
August 15 – Oct-Dec issue

The 150-word limit remains the same and will be strictly enforced. 

This also makes it even more important that each club provide us with their yearly schedule as soon as they have those dates in place.  Even if you do not have all your callers lined up, those names can be added as soon as that information is available.

    Submit articles for publication and Calendar Items to:

    Edythe Weber (Editor)
    1316 Middlebrook Drive
    Liberty, Missouri 64068-1941
    Phone:  816.830.0350

    Doins E-Mail

    Mail or E-Mail
    All Articles and Club Schedules Due by the 15th of:
    November (Jan-Mar Issue),
    February (Apr-June Issue),
    May (July-Sept Issue),
    August (Oct-Dec Issue)

        Submit advertisements for publication to:  Advertising Rates & Dimensions

        Crystle Swager
        7315 County Road 303
        Carl Junction, Missouri 64834-8128

        Circulation Manger:  Doins' Subscription Form

          Penny Byers
          211 Main Street
          Cowgill, Missouri 64637-9758


          $15.00 per year

        Publishing schedule:

          Published Four Times Per Year:
          (January/March; April/June; July/September; October/December)
