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Updated 3/29/25

Weekend & Multi-Day Special & Interesting Dances

See Also The Listing For Missouri - Click Here
IF you know of a special or interesting dance that belongs here.  Please notify the Webmaster.
Friday, April 4, 2025,                       25-04-04-00

  Friday, April 4, 2025,  Okalhoma Round Dance Association Festival,  Special Dance, Cuers: Curt & Tammy Worlock,  Rounds,   Lake Murray Lodge, 3323 Lodge Road, Brookfield, Oklahoma 73401, Flyer, Friday - Sunday,       25-04-04-60

Saturday, April 5, 2025,                       25-04-05-00

  Saturday, April 5, 2025,  Okalhoma Round Dance Association Festival,  Special Dance, Cuers: Curt & Tammy Worlock,  Rounds,   Lake Murray Lodge, 3323 Lodge Road, Brookfield, Oklahoma 73401, Flyer, Friday - Sunday,       25-04-05-50

  Saturday, April 5, 2025,  Wichita Spring Festival,  Special Dance, Caller: Darryl Lipscomb (NC), Rounds: Bob & Sally Nolan,  Dance Times: Check Schedule,  Redeemer Church, Family Life Center, 1900 West McCormick Street,  Wichita, Kansas 67213, Flyer, Friday - Saturday, Kansas Square Dance Association (Gold District),   For More Information Tammy & Bill Gough 316.371.3991, E-Mail,  25-04-05-95

  Sunday, April 6, 2025,  Okalhoma Round Dance Association Festival,  Special Dance, Cuers: Curt & Tammy Worlock,  Rounds,   Lake Murray Lodge, 3323 Lodge Road, Brookfield, Oklahoma 73401, Flyer, Friday - Sunday,       25-04-06-60

Wednesday, June 18, 2025,                       25-06-18-00

  Wednesday, June 18, 2025,  67th International NSDCA Camporee Trail In Dance,  Special Dance,      Shreveport Louisiana FairGrounds, 3701 Hudson Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday, National Square Dance Campers Association (NSDCA),      25-06-18-40

Thursday, June 19, 2025,                       25-06-19-00

  Thursday, June 19, 2025,  67th International NSDCA Camporee,  Special Dance,      Shreveport Louisiana FairGrounds, 3701 Hudson Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday, National Square Dance Campers Association (NSDCA),      25-06-19-40

Friday, June 20, 2025,                       25-06-20-00

  Friday, June 20, 2025,  67th International NSDCA Camporee,  Special Dance,      Shreveport Louisiana FairGrounds, 3701 Hudson Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday, National Square Dance Campers Association (NSDCA),      25-06-20-40

Saturday, June 21, 2025,                       25-06-21-00

  Saturday, June 21, 2025,  67th International NSDCA Camporee,  Special Dance,      Shreveport Louisiana FairGrounds, 3701 Hudson Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday, National Square Dance Campers Association (NSDCA),      25-06-21-40

Wednesday, June 25, 2025,                       25-06-25-00

  Wednesday, June 25, 2025,  74th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Hilton Hotel Convention Center, 104 Market Street, Shreveport, Louisana 71101, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       25-06-25-50

Thursday, June 26, 2025,                       25-06-26-00

  Thursday, June 26, 2025,  74th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Hilton Hotel Convention Center, 104 Market Street, Shreveport, Louisana 71101, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       25-06-26-50

Friday, June 27, 2025,                       25-06-27-00

  Friday, June 27, 2025,  74th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Hilton Hotel Convention Center, 104 Market Street, Shreveport, Louisana 71101, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       25-06-27-50

Saturday, June 28, 2025,                       25-06-28-00

  Saturday, June 28, 2025,  74th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Hilton Hotel Convention Center, 104 Market Street, Shreveport, Louisana 71101, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       25-06-28-50

Thursday, August 7, 2025,                       25-08-07-00

  Thursday, August 7, 2025, Hosted By HASSDATrail In Dance to the HASSDA Festival,  Special Dance, Caller: Guests, Rounds: Guests,  Pre-Rounds 7:00 - 7:30 PM, Dance 7:30 - 10:00 PM, ESU Memorial Union Ballroom, 1331 Market Street, Emporia, Kansas 66801, Flyer, Friday - Saturday,    For More Information Maye Wegner 785.806.8314, E-Mail,  25-08-07-40

Friday, August 8, 2025,                       25-08-08-00

  Friday, August 8, 2025, Hosted By HASSDAHASSDA Festival,  Special Dance, Callers: Mike Bramlett (NC), Eric Henerlau (NC), &  Curt Braffet (NC), Rounds: Carolyn & Tony Ahart,  Times: Check Flyer,  ESU Memorial Union Ballroom, 1331 Market Street, Emporia, Kansas 66801, Flyer, Friday - Saturday,    For More Information Maye Wegner 785.806.8314, E-Mail,  25-08-08-40

Saturday, August 9, 2025,                       25-08-09-00

  Saturday, August 9, 2025, Hosted By HASSDAHASSDA Festival,  Special Dance, Callers: Mike Bramlett (NC), Eric Henerlau (NC), &  Curt Braffet (NC), Rounds: Carolyn & Tony Ahart,  Times: Check Flyer,  ESU Memorial Union Ballroom, 1331 Market Street, Emporia, Kansas 66801, Flyer, Friday - Saturday,    For More Information Maye Wegner 785.806.8314, E-Mail,  25-08-09-40

Friday, August 15, 2025,                       25-08-15-00

  Friday, August 15, 2025,  Warsaw On The Weelend,  Special Dance, Caller: Mike Sikorsky (NC),     Warsaw Community Center, 181 Harrison Street, Warsaw, Missouri 65355, Flyer,       25-08-15-90

Saturday, August 16, 2025,                       25-08-16-00

  Saturday, August 16, 2025,  Warsaw On The Weelend,  Special Dance, Caller: Mike Sikorsky (NC),     Warsaw Community Center, 181 Harrison Street, Warsaw, Missouri 65355, Flyer,       25-08-16-90

Friday, September 19, 2025,                       25-09-19-00

  Friday, September 19, 2025, Trail In Dance, Kicks on 36 DancePeppy Promenaders,  Special Dance, See Flyer,  Mainstream/Plus/Lines, Times: Check Flyer,    Locations: Check Flyer Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Northeast District,      25-09-19-70

  Friday, September 19, 2025, Trail In Dance, Kicks on 36 DanceTanglefoot Squares,  Special Dance, See Flyer,  Mainstream/Plus/Lines, Times: Check Flyer,    Locations: Check Flyer Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Northeast District,      25-09-19-80

Saturday, September 20, 2025,                       25-09-20-00

  Saturday, September 20, 2025, Kicks on 36 DancePeppy Promenaders,  Special Dance, See Flyer,  Mainstream/Plus/Lines, Times: Check Flyer,    Locations: Check Flyer Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Northeast District,      25-09-20-60

  Saturday, September 20, 2025, Kicks on 36 DanceTanglefoot Squares,   See Flyer,  Mainstream/Plus/Lines, Times: Check Flyer,    Locations: Check Flyer Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Northeast District,      25-09-20-80

Sunday, September 21, 2025,                       25-09-21-00

  Saturday, September 21, 2025, Kicks on 36 DancePeppy Promenaders,  Special Dance, See Flyer,  Mainstream/Plus/Lines, Times: Check Flyer,    Locations: Check Flyer Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Northeast District,      25-09-21-60

  Saturday, September 21, 2025, Kicks on 36 DanceTanglefoot Squares,   See Flyer,  Mainstream/Plus/Lines, Times: Check Flyer,    Locations: Check Flyer Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Northeast District,      25-09-21-80

Friday, September 26, 2025,                       25-09-26-00

  Friday, September 26, 2025,  Missouri Round Dance Association State Festival,  Special Dance, Cuers: Rey & Sherry Garza,   Check Flyer for Schedule,  Capital Ritz Hotel, 2712 Plaza Drive,  Jefferson City,  Missouri 66109, Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Missouri Round Dance Association,   For More Information  25-09-26-50

Saturday, September 27, 2025,                       25-09-27-00

  Saturday, September 27, 2025,  Missouri Round Dance Association State Festival,  Special Dance, Cuers: Rey & Sherry Garza,   Check Flyer for Schedule,  Capital Ritz Hotel, 2712 Plaza Drive,  Jefferson City,  Missouri 66109, Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Missouri Round Dance Association,   For More Information  25-09-27-50

Sunday, September 28, 2025,                       25-09-28-00

  Sunday, September 28, 2025,  Missouri Round Dance Association State Festival,  Special Dance, Cuers: Rey & Sherry Garza,   Check Flyer for Schedule,  Capital Ritz Hotel, 2712 Plaza Drive,  Jefferson City,  Missouri 66109, Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Missouri Round Dance Association,   For More Information  25-09-28-50

Friday, October 10, 2025,                       25-10-10-00

  Friday, October 10, 2025, Missouri Festival, 66th Missouri State Festival,  Special Dance, Caller: State Callers, Rounds: State Cuers, Mainstream/Plus/Rounds/Lines, 7:00 - 10:00 PM,  Osage Centre, 1625 North Kingshighway Street, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701, Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Hosted By Southeast District,      25-10-10-50

Saturday, October 11, 2025,                       25-10-11-00

  Saturday, October 11, 2025, Missouri Festival, 66th Missouri State Festival,  Special Dance, Caller: Jason Raleigh (NC), Rounds: Natalie Sprosty, Mainstream/Plus/Rounds/Lines,   Osage Centre, 1625 North Kingshighway Street, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701, Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Hosted By Southeast District,      25-10-11-50

Sunday, October 12, 2025,                       25-10-12-00

  Sunday, October 12, 2025, Missouri Festival, 66th Missouri State Festival Doins Dance,  Special Dance, Caller: State Callers, Rounds: State Cuers, Mainstream/Plus/Rounds/Lines, 9:00 - 11:00 AM,  Osage Centre, 1625 North Kingshighway Street, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701, Flyer, Friday - Sunday, Hosted By Southeast District,      25-10-12-50

Wednesday, June 24, 2026,                       26-06-24-00

  Wednesday, June 24, 2026,  75th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Location: TBA,  Waco, Texas, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       26-06-24-50

Thursday, June 25, 2026,                       26-06-25-00

  Thursday, June 25, 2026,  75th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Location: TBA,  Waco, Texas, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       26-06-25-50

  Friday, June 26, 2026,  75th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Location: TBA,  Waco, Texas, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       26-06-26-50

Saturday, June 27, 2026,                       26-06-27-00

  Saturday, June 27, 2026,  75th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,      Location: TBA,  Waco, Texas, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       26-06-27-50

Friday, July 10, 2026,                       26-07-10-00

  Friday, July 10, 2026, Hosted By HASSDATrail In Dance to the HASSDA Festival,  Special Dance, Caller: Guests, Rounds: Guests,  Pre-Rounds 7:00 - 7:30 PM, Dance 7:30 - 10:00 PM, Location: TBA,    Flyer, Friday - Saturday,    For More Information Maye Wegner 785.806.8314, E-Mail,  26-07-10-40

Saturday, July 11, 2026,                       26-07-11-00

  Saturday, July 11, 2026, Hosted By HASSDAHASSDA Festival,  Special Dance, Callers: TBA, Rounds: TBA,  Times: Check Flyer,  Location: TBA,    Flyer, Friday - Saturday,    For More Information Maye Wegner 785.806.8314, E-Mail,  26-07-11-40

Wednesday, June 23, 2027,                       27-06-23-00

  Wednesday, June 23, 2027,  76th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,        Loveland, Loveland, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       27-06-23-50

Thursday, June 24, 2027,                       27-06-24-00

  Thursday, June 24, 2027,  76th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,        Loveland, Loveland, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       27-06-24-50

Friday, June 25, 2027,                       27-06-25-00

  Friday, June 25, 2027,  76th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,        Loveland, Loveland, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       27-06-25-50

Saturday, June 26, 2027,                       27-06-26-00

  Saturday, June 26, 2027,  76th Natonal Square Dance Convention,  Special Dance,        Loveland, Loveland, Flyer, Wednesday - Saturday,       27-06-26-50